Sunday, October 31, 2010

Math Emporium

Students at the Math Emporium
The Math Emporium. Nearly all students at Virginia Tech have at least one class that involves trekking over to the Empo to take quizzes and tests. There's nothing worse than having to make time in your schedule to go over to the Empo, take your time on your test, and end up with a grade much lower than what you expected. However, as I have found, there are many valuable resources that can help make your experiences with the Empo a success.
Although I have already taken several tests at the Empo, I had another last week, and was carving time out of each day in order to take practice tests in preparation to take the test. Try as I may, there was always one problem on the test that I could not figure out how in the world to solve. Even with my notes spread all around me, I could find no assistance with this problem, and I had one try left to get a better score on the exam. Even though my professor had mentioned it several times during class, I had no intentions of going into the tutoring lab at the Empo. I hated the Empo, and I only wanted to be there long enough to take my test and get out. I was finally at my wit's end with this one particular problem, and I swallowed my pride, and pushed away my hatred of the Empo, and headed to the tutoring lab. In a matter of 10 minutes, I had the problem explained to me (a property I was simply unaware of), and I was able to check in and take the test with no problem. If I had only went sooner, I would have been able to do better on the test much earlier in the week, and I would not have had to make so many trips to the Empo.
Lessons learned:
  1. You're not a dork if you go to get tutoring; there are lots of kids there, and it will save you lots of time in the long run.
  2. Use the resources that are available to you. They're called resources for a reason; they're suprisingly helpful and make your life a lot easier.
  3. The Math Empo really isn't that bad.  : )

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