Monday, October 4, 2010

Marine Band Concert

October 3 was my father's birthday. I really wanted to be able to see him, but since I'm going home next weekend for fall break, I wanted to determine if there was anything that we could do as a family here at Tech. I wasn't very sure where to look, but one of my professors mentioned that the Marine Band would be performing on the third. Upon returning to my dorm room, I searched the Virginia Tech website, and discovered that not only were they playing, but all that was necessary to get tickets was to go and request them from Squires. So my family came up from home and we all attended the concert, then went out to supper for my dad's birthday. We had a great time, and Dad really enjoyed it.
So what is there to learn from this situation?
Know what's going on. Check the website fairly frequently so that you don't miss out on any chances. There is always something going on, so you should never feel like there is nothing to do but sit in your dorm room all day. There are opportunities waiting, and you don't want to let them slip by simply because you didn't look.

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