Monday, September 13, 2010

Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence

Going to college and getting off on your own is nice, but it is important to realize that the reason you're going to college is to get an education. While college can be expected to be harder than high school was, there's no reason not to do well, especially when there are a wealth of resources at your fingertips.
One of these resources that is particularly useful at Virginia Tech is the Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence, or CAEE. The CAEE operates to help students be successful throughout their college career. They offer many helpful programs, such as the Majors Fair, for students who are considering changing majors or deciding on which to declare, and Academic Recovery Programs for those students who are returning from Academic Suspension or are on Academic Probation.
If you are struggling in a class, you can sign up with the CAEE for tutoring free of charge. The important thing to remember here is to get help when you first realize you are struggling in the class, not after you bomb your first major test.
CAEE also offers many Seminars for Academic Success to "jump start" your college career and start you on a path of success. They offer seminars such as Time Management, Test Taking: The 3 Steps to Success, Procrastinating Holding You Back?, and many others. These seminars can help you learn techniques in order to maximize your potential and make your college experience successful. They are offered many different times and days, so there will always be at least one offering that will fit your schedule. Since they are one-time only seminars, there is no commitment to come after your seminar is complete. For sacrificing a couple of hours one day, you will gain so much to be used in the many days ahead.

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